Trial Date Set for Liaoyang Labour Activists

08 January 2003

China Labour Bulletin Press Release


Families of Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang Cut from External Contacts

Today, China Labour Bulletin confirmed with the Liaoyang Intermediate People’s Court that the case of Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang will be tried next Wednesday (January 15). However, CLB is outraged that local authorities have the home phones of both families cut off from incoming calls to prevent them from publicising the workers’ cause and seeking support.

The Liaoyang Court told CLB that the indictments had been sent to Yao and Xiao, and that “in accordance with the law, the case should be put on public trial and anyone can apply for admission”. However, the Liaoyang Court refused to comment on the ‘factual’ basis of the charges of subversion.

As per previous CLB interview with Yao’s Beijing-based lawyer Mo Shaoping, he will be meeting Yao in these few days.

CLB holds firmly that Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang were exercising the universally accepted rights of association and collective bargaining enshrined by the International Labour Organisation of which China is a member.

“The charges of subversion are groundless and should be dropped,” says CLB Director Han Dongfang. “Cutting Yao and Xiao’s families from legitimate communication is a violation of their constitutional rights. This kind of intimidation is contemptible,” states Han Dongfang.

See also Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang Formally Charged with Subversion

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