ACFTU Look to Old Models

07 February 2002
The president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), Wei Jian-xing, paid tribute to model workers and visited families of several deceased model workers in Beijing on 6 February, 2002. The move highlighted the ACFTU's rallying to the call of the Communist Party to strengthen noble socialist spirits in the country. The government-controlled union chief reiterated the need for the ACFTU to learn from the model workers. Wei also called on his cadres to pay special attention to those model workers who were in need of assistance, in particular those who were laid off or retired and faced poverty.

On the same day, Nanning Municipal Federation of Trade Unions announced that it had handed out a total of RMB 328,000 (USD40,000) yuan honorary bonuses to the city's total of 723 model workers. In 1998, Nanning was the first city in China where each model worker's honorary award also included bonus payments, which amounted to between RMB 65 - 105 yuan a month.

(Source: China's news agencies)

Online: 2002-02-07
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