Thirty-one miners killed in coal mine blast

02 May 2006

A gas explosion at a coal mine in Shaanxi Province has killed 31 miners and another miner is still missing, according to Xinhua.

The mine blast occurred on 29 April at the Wayaobao Township Coal Mine in Zichang County, Yan'an City, when a total of 39 miners were working underground. Only seven miners managed to escape.

The official report said 28 bodies had been identified and unspecified compensation was being distributed to the victims' families.

The police had detained the mine owner and other managerial staff. A taskforce from the State Council will further investigate the mine accident, the report said.

The coal mine is a legal and privately-owned mine and it has an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons.

Source: Xinhua News Agency (2 May 2006)

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